
Join up with Hand

Wayilwan Ngiyambaa  Language Learning 

Wayilwan Ngiyambaa is classified by UNESCO as a critically endangered language…

Every opportunity to grow Wayilwan language learning counts.

Wayilwan Wagaa-y (singing) 

Singing in Wayilwan language is a powerful vehicle for change

Wayilwan Inspired Dhugma-li (creative arts)

Where stories are shared to grow opportunity for meaningful engagement in Wayilwan cultural heritage…

Song Writing and Translation

Songs make Wayilwan language and our stories accessible…

Wayilwan Waga-y (dance)

Music, song, language and story are shared through dance, strengthening connections with Country and community…

Music Yuru-y (grow)

Building capacity for diverse music experiences to bring life and healing…

Language Arts and Drama

The stories we share build a collective vision of hope…


Sharing stories with our local community, in culturally safe spaces, is part of the healing and reconciliation process…

Youth Sponsorship and Traineeships

Where children and youth are provided the opportunity to be active contributors to the preservation of Wayilwan cultural heritage …

Our Partnerships Strengthen Capacity for Change…