Acknowledgement to Country in Wayilwan language (and English)

Zoey is a Wayilwan language student with Warraan Widji Arts. Zoey is recorded delivering the Acknowledgement to Country in Wayilwan language and English.

The phonetic translation below is made available to assist community in learning the Acknowledgement in Wayilwan language.

Scroll down to read the Acknowledgement as it is delivered by Zoey.

The English version of the Acknowledgement can be used by the wider community ensuring context is added to bring relevance and meaning to its purpose.

Winanga-li Ngiyambaa-gu


Gayrr nadhu Zoey

Ngiyani yanmagi-ri nginya-gara

 Warraan-da Wayilwan widji-dja dhiranga-li

yuru-ngilagi-ri yana-y yanmagi-ri

Ngiyani winanga-li baluwaa-gu ngu-y

Wayilwan mayi-gal-gu gunimara-giya-lu

Nginya dhagun-da dhalaa

ngarri-y ngiyani-gu winanga-yi Wayilwan Ngiyambaa

Nginya ngu-y baluwaa-gu

Wayilwan dharma-y-gal

Bugaaya-bula  dhalanga-y-bula ngu-y-giri nginya baluwaa-gu mayi-gal

Gamba ngindu!

English Speak translation


My name is Zoey

We gather today in Warren, in this special Wayilwan place,

to continue our learning journey together.

We acknowledge and give respect to the Wayilwan people,

the traditional custodians

of this land

on which we live and learn, Wayilwan Country.

We give our respect to the Wayilwan Elders,

Past and present and extend that respect to all

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples,

thank you.

Phonetic pronunciation


Gay nardoo Zoey

Nee-ya-nee yan-ma-giri ninya-gara

Warraan-da Wayilwan widji-dja dhiran-gali yu-roun-gila-giri yanay yan-ma-giri

Ni-yani wi-na-na-li ba-lu-waa-gu ng-oy

Wayilwan may-i-gul-gu -Goo-ni-ma-ra-gi-ya-lu

Nin-ya dha-goun-da dha-lar

nga-ri nee-yar-ni-gu win-a-nay-i Wayilwan Nee-yum-baar

ngin-ya ng-oy ba-lu-waa-gu Wayilwan dar-may-gul

Boo-guy-aa-bu-la dha-lun-gay-bu-la

Ngu-a-giri nin-ya ba-lu-waa-gu mayi-gul

Gum-ba Nin-do

Direct translation English

Use the Direct translation English speak below to learn what the Wayilwan words mean.

Knowledge/Understand/Listen to Country.


Name I Zoey

We join up (with) this-day Warren-in

Wayilwan place-at special growing-continue (action)

Walking join up with.

We knowledge/understand/listen to and give respect to the

Wayilwan people/s-belonging to Mother Earth

This land/dirt on where we (three or more)

sit, we learn,

Wayilwan Country

We give this respect to Wayilwan clever teacher-s

Old and present and give respect to (all) people/s

Good you!

More about our Acknowledgement…

The Wayilwan language translation of the Acknowledgement to Country was developed by:

  • Aboriginal Languages for Community Use (Wayilwan Language) Certificate lll TAFE class graduates of 2023, Warren, NSW and Aboriginal languages teacher Aunty Beth Wright

  • Warren Local Aboriginal Education Consultative Group (LAECG) which approved the use of the Wayilwan translation of the Acknowledgement by educational organisations in Warren on 24 October 2022

  • Aboriginal Outcomes and Partnerships Directorate’s (NSW Department of Education) Aboriginal Learning and Engagement Centre (AL&EC) Warren Central School in consultation with Warren Local Aboriginal Land Council (WLALC)