Empowering our Youth for Self- Determination and as Active Contributors to the Wayilwan Language Revival Process… Please Support Us!

Graham Burns and Behiye Suren empower our youth to be active contributors to the reawakening of Wayilwan Language in our Community.

They fly to Warren fortnightly from Sydney to work closely with the Dreaming Drifters - to grow the musicianship, music performance, repertoire, music instrumental and vocal skills of band members.

These two professional musicians require ongoing financial support to sustain the professional service provided for our talented youth. There are no musicians in Warren who are able to meet the individual and diverse needs of our band members and allow them to reach their potential and grow cultural capability.

In addition, Dreaming Drifters members play at community events and fundraisers and on these occasions are worthy recipients of financial remuneration. Their time rehearsing and learning new repertoire to support cultural heritage revival warrants financial reward.

As such, Warraan Widji Arts seeks funding to support our youth who are leading the way in Wayilwan Language revival.

Please click on the link below if you would like to financially support the Dreaming Drifters to achieve self-determination and sustain the Wayilwan Language revival process through the powerful medium of music.

Gamba ngindu (thank you)