
Click the play button below to listen to Wayilwan Elder, Miss Nettie, explain the importance of having a culturally safe space in the community for young mob…

The building project has has enabled us to occupy a purposeful space and operate our core activities more confidently. As such, the building project has strengthened capacity for…

  • local Aboriginal youth and community to lead the Wayilwan language reawakening process

  • the sustainability of Wayilwan cultural heritage preservation

  • community participation and collaboration, as a guiding force for future direction of creative content

The project’s outcomes are in direct response to an increasing need in Australia for…

  • accessibility to spaces which are inclusive and inspire diverse expressions of artistic creativity

  • connection - digital enablement

  • cultural expression, cultural authority and cultural safety

  • purpose built spaces which are both functional and inspirational

The projects outcomes are in direct response to a primary identified need. This need, as determined by our local Aboriginal youth and community (which make up 70% membership and 95% survey data) was to provide…

Increased opportunities for the growth of artistic creativity which supports sustained Wayilwan cultural heritage preservation including the language reawakening process.

As such, the following was needed:

  • a purpose built space, the first of its kind on Wayilwan Country and in western NSW

  •  a performing and creative arts space positioned in the CBD of Warren

  • a large, flexible space with sound absorbent ceiling

  • a culturally safe space to be accessed by Warraan Widji Arts' Wayilwan Language students, choir, dance group, music instrumental students and the Dreaming Drifters (rock band) for rehearsals, workshops and concerts, and which also enables local Wayilwan art to be permanently displayed

Connection: Digital Enablement

A purpose built music room makes provision for:   

  • A technologically secure space to house technology which digitally captures, stores and preserves the collective knowledge, memories and new works of our Wayilwan mob

  • Soundproofing to enable the recording of new

    music works and local stories.

 Cultural expression and cultural authority 

Approximately 150 Aboriginal youth and community members engage in Wayilwan inspired dance, music and Language translation across three educational institutions in Warren. Secondary impacts are significant including the growth of a strong cultural identity. We purposefully ensure Aboriginal community maintains ownership and control of intellectual property developed as a result of Wayilwan language reawakening. Wayilwan language reawakening is led by local Aboriginal community.

The project aims to provide cultural safety by preventing further cultural misappropriation of Aboriginal cultural heritage by non-Aboriginal controlled institutions and organisations.

The building’s purpose and design is reflective of Wayilwan Country where rivers revive and inform story-telling, empowered by Wayilwan Language revival and artistic creativity.

Inspiration and Functionality

An industrial chic look enables the building’s unique architectural features to be maintained and harnessed for artistic and creative inspiration.

The project has enabled:      

  • Flooring which facilitates traditional and contemporary dance for WWA Wayilwan dance ensembles

  • Storage space for music instruments used by WWA Dreaming Drifters,  other music ensembles and students tutored in guitar, flute, saxophone, keyboard and viola/violin 

  • Office space which facilitates analogue and digital storage of

    ·      a Wayilwan language resource collection

    ·      choral music for the Wayilwan children's choir

    ·      music score for the rock band and Wayilwan children's choir

    ·      new works

    ·      local stories

  • a music practice room

Your Support is Greatly Appreciated …

All funds donated grow the capacity for sustained Wayilwan language reawakening. Funds improve the acoustics and interior of the building to grow functionality. Donor funds will be used for:

  • Language, choral, music and dance programs

  • Recording equipment to complete the first album of songs in Wayilwan language

  • Outdoor stage

  • Theatre

  • Acoustic curtains for the multipurpose space

  • Projector to display backdrops/Wayilwan language for performances and workshops

  • Yarning circle

  • Enhancing the heritage features of the building including exposing historic beams within building regulations

  • Air conditioning and heating