Wayilwan Language Resources and Programs…

Resources are developed


Indigenist Standpoint Pedagogy (J.Phillips)


strengths based


place based pedagogical practice…

contextual to Warraan (Warren)

Wayilwan Country


The following programs and activities are currently being delivered by WWA and require ongoing funding for their sustainability -

 1. Translation of songs into Wayilwan language

 2. First Nations’ Children/Youth Choir tutorage - Aboriginal children and youth who reside in Warren Shire have opportunity to learn songs in Wayilwan language as part of a choral program

3. Junior and Youth rock band tutorage - children and youth who demonstrate musical talent are tutored to perform the music pieces sung by the Warraan Widji Arts Children/Youth Choir.

4. Meaningful and culturally sensitive Wayilwan Language lessons under the Wayilwan Gunuya-li (Do with Energy Speak) program at Warren Central School and Warren Preschool Kindergarten Inc. Unfortunately St Mary’s and Warren Central School are currently relying on grant funding. St Mary’s is currently waiting for funding to begin the program at the school.

5. Creation of new songs in Wayilwan language  

6. Creation of dances which include Wayilwan language and songs sung in language

7. Ongoing development of educational resources for local schools and beginner use including:

Ø  Song books: beginners with accompanying songs

Ø  Song books: advanced with accompanying songs

The following programs are pending access to funding:

 1. Completion of an album of 8 songs, recorded on Wayilwan Country.

2. Development of an album of lullabies/early childhood songs

3. Music video of local First Nations’ children and youth performing an original work composed and produced by local mob on Wayilwan Country

4. Creation of new works in Wayilwan language - stories, poems and plays.

5. Development of a Wayilwan language dictionary and app as an educational resource

6. Regular community language workshops

April 2024 school holiday Wayilwan Language workshop for community


Resources currently available for purchase include:

Ngiyani-garra Australian (We are Australian) in Wayilwan language and English  (MP3 or WAV version) sung by the Warraan Widji Arts First Nations Children’s/Youth Choir.

Yanma-li (Lean on Me) in Wayilwan language and English (MP3 or WAV version) sung by the Warraan Widji Arts First Nations Children’s/Youth Choir.

Listen to the recordings by going to the What We Do Yanma-li - join up with hand page, and the Wayilwan Wagaa-y (singing) page.

The recording for Ngiyani-garra Australian took place May/June 2023. The recording for Yanma-li took place during the inaugural NSW Aboriginal Languages Week in October 2023. Recordings took place in pop-up studios at Warren Central School and St Mary’s Parish School in Warren, NSW, Australia.

Please contact us at info@warraanwidjiarts.org.au if you would like to purchase a copy of the recordings for $20 each.

All funds go toward providing access to creative and performing arts opportunities for youth.  

Wayilwan language revival cannot be tokenistic. If you would like to help sustain Wayilwan language reawakening please click on DONATE button below.