Regeneration: Healing Country by Peter Mackay

Parched ground, shown by the yellow shapes, has become a regular part of the cycle of seasons, since the English invasion. Claypans and cracked soils are evidence of overgrazed country and soil degradation which exacerbates that which comes with the cycle of drought and flood on Wayilwan Country. Hope is restored as rain comes, shown by the blue encircling lines. With rain, regrowth appears from the soil. Regrowth, as shown by the green shapes, after rain, is consistent in its reliability. This makes regeneration possible, regeneration not only of Country, but also of family, shown by the horseshoe shapes.

Regeneration restores hope to our families, connecting to Country for a sustainable future.

Heal Country is on display at Warraan Widji Arts 156 Dubbo Street, Warren, NSW