Aunty Irene (Minnie) ‘Burrima’ Riley

Totem Name: Burrima (black swan)

Medium: Oil on Belgian linen

Country: Ngiyambaa Wayilwan (also known as Ngemba Wailwan)

Irene (Minnie) Riley has been painting both contemporary and traditional Indigenous art for over thirty years. In 2009, with the establishment of the Ngemba Wailwan Artist Inititiave in Warren, Aunty Min was able to develop her unique style inspired by the tree carvings and ground markings of her ancestors.

Minnie’s work shows a fine attention to detail and an intricate rendition of the markings of the Wayilwan Nation. Her delicate and finely drawn lines along with her use of colour variation shows her unique take on the Nations’ markings and her ability to share her own stories through her art.