Our logo (above and below) was designed by President, Peter Mackay. The meaning of its design is described below by Zoey Daley, proud Wayilwan girl from Warren, NSW, Australia. Zoey is a junior leader and Wayilwan language and music student of Warraan Widji Arts.

You can listen to Zoey and read along below…

“the dhuni-gal bulagarr (the two suns) represent the dhuni badhi-y (sun appears/rise) bula (and) the dhuni dharra-y (the sun disappears/sets) ngunaawa galimdhaa-gal (above the waterways) Wayilwan Ngiyambaa-ga (Wayilwan Country-on). 

The warraan-gal (rivers) are indicated by the peach colour.  The buluwii (blue) bindal-lugu-gal (straight marks/lines) represent the galimdhaa-gal (waterways) nginya mugil (that branch) off from the warraan-gal (rivers). 

Dhuni ngalama-li (the sun light) gali-dja (water-on) dhalarbara-y (shines) wandha (which) represents the budjirriwan (beauty) of Wayilwan Ngiyambaa (Wayilwan Country). 

Widjuwaru the yurru yana-y (when the rain comes) the madha dhagun-gal (wet ground/lands) extend all across Wayilwan Ngiyambaa, especially around warran (the end of/the edge of) the Wayilwan Nation at Warren, the edge of marsh country.